Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trail Party: Trail Party Formed and New Voters Guide Issued

Trail Party: Trail Party Formed and New Voters Guide Issued: "Don Amador, noted Recreation Advocate, has founded the Trail Party to assist you with election decisions to ensure our motorized access into..."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off Road Voters Guide, Be An ORV!

There is a lot of buzz going on about the upcoming election and for some it is a little overwhelming, time consuming and maybe even a little confusing to sit down and read up on all the candidates and propositions.  BlueRibbon Coalition's Don Amador has made it easy and has done all the reading and put together an easy to use "Trail Party Voters Guide".  Essentially it is comprised of the candidates that are OHV friendly and made the propositions a piece of cake to decide on.  Thanks Don for putting this guide together! 

Go here to take a peek: 

Trail Party Voter Guide